
In the following we describe the inner workings of our FaasSystem implementation. The API of the FaasSystem is designed around real life requirements and represents typical operations that can be found in a typical API Gateway (such as in OpenFaaS). We provide a default implementation of FaasSystem, called DefaultFaasSystme in The following explains the inner workings of our implementations, which components are used and how you can configure the system.

We recall the methods a FaasSystem has to implement:

class FaasSystem(abc.ABC):

    def deploy(self, fn: FunctionDeployment): ...

    def invoke(self, request: FunctionRequest): ...

    def remove(self, fn: FunctionDeployment): ...

    def discover(self, fn_name: str) -> List[FunctionReplica]: ...

    def scale_down(self, fn_name: str, remove: int): ...

    def scale_up(self, fn_name: str, replicas: int): ...

    def suspend(self, fn_name: str): ...

    # ... and several other lookup methods

To implement these functions, our system contains the following state:


This section provides insights into the current implementation of FaasSystem. Be aware that this is subject to change and using lookup methods is much safer with respect to updates.

  • env: Environment: used to access global configured components (i.e., Metrics, SimulatorFactory, ClusterContext)

  • function_containers: Dict[str, FunctionContainer]: stores all available function containers from the deployed functions

  • replicas: Dict[str, List[FunctionReplica]: collects all FunctionReplicas under the name of the corresponding FunctionDeployment

  • scheduler_queue: simpy.Store: contains function replicas that need to be scheduled. scale_up puts replicas into the queue and run_schedule_worker polls from it.

  • load_balancer: LoadBalancer: called upon invoke to select replica that handles the invocation. (currently round-robin)

  • functions_deployments: Dict[str, FunctionDeployment: stores the deployed functions and gets modified by deploy and remove.

  • replica_count: Dict[str, int]: counts the number of active replica per FunctionDeployment

  • functions_definitions: Counter: counts the number of replica per FunctionContainer


Simulation of resources has to be implemented by users due to necessary flexibility regarding the implementation of a FunctionSimulator. In example, the execution of a function can be delayed through queuing. Therefore, resources are not immediately used and it’s the FunctionSimulator's responsibility to consume them at the right time.

faas-sim offers a standardized interface to manage resources which is based on dictionaries. This allows faas-sim to implement common componnents (such as resource monitoring for nodes & functions, as well as an implementation of Kubernetes’ HPA) Resources get added up.

The following code shows an example on consuming resources:

class CpuConsumingSim(FunctionSimulator):

    def __init__(self, queue: simpy.Resource):
        self.queue = queue

    def invoke(self, env: Environment, replica: FunctionReplica, request: FunctionRequest):
        token = self.queue.request()
        yield token

        # definition of resources is up to users
        # here we assume that a function call needs 20% cpu usage of the whole call
        env.resource_state.put_resource(replica, 'cpu', 0.2)

        yield env.timeout(1)

        # release resources
        env.resource_state.remove_resource(replica, 'cpu', 0.2)

The Environment object contains a resource monitor which continuously collects the momentary resource utilization and puts into the MetricsServer which can be used to query the average usage of a certain resource.